Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why you gotta make us beg?

This is just a quickie.

I'm on vacation in a tropical paradise concerning myself with the following first-world problem:

Updating my various social networking feeds, reminding my followers to vote for my projects in the local paper's reader's poll.

While I appreciate the recognition from the press, the fact that I feel like I have to beg for votes makes me a little ill.

And why do I feel like I have to beg for votes? Because if I don't spam my followers daily with reminders, like many of us do, then I may lose a nomination. And frankly, I would prefer if my work were judged for its quality and by how much it entertained its fans, rather than how diligent I am in my social network. I do not live to tweet. And I certainly don't tweet to live.

So, that said, I hope that when these "elections" arise, as they so often do, that you do indeed take the time to vote for your favorite taco, your favorite nail salon, your favorite band, your favorite yoga studio. For a lot of entrepreneurs and artists, a nomination in these polls can bring about the kind of attention we need to continue in our successes. And it helps us to know that you really really like us.

We don't like begging for votes, and it's not our fault, really, what with the whole "you can vote once a day every day for 6 weeks from each of your email addresses/IPs so that all the potential nominees will spam you once a day and drive you to our website once a day" strategy.

If you're a follower of mine, I suspect you know what I produce and in what categories to nominate my productions, if you deem them worthy of recognition.

Thank you for your support and your time and your ear/eye. This is my last piece of voting spam, then I'm going back to the beach. Sending sunshiney vibes up north...

Excess and Ohs,
